高温热疗 Hyperthermia
- 肿瘤患者
- 癌症康复者
- 慢性病、免疫系统病患者
- 炎症、痛症患者
全身高温热疗机配以先进的现代科技,使用水滤性红外线(wlRA)技术,其特点是具有高度渗透组织能力,可使热能直达深层组织而不会伤害皮肤表面。通过这种方式,人体体温可温和、有效地提高至38.5-40 °C。以高温刺激体内免疫机能,强化细胞修复力,增强免疫系统反应,更能够辅助化疗及电疗发挥更好效果,甚至可舒缓化疗及电疗引致的不适。对于癌症康复者,更能减低癌症复发机会。
持续提升肿瘤组织温度,能破坏肿瘤的细胞壁,并能改变肿瘤的微环境,抑制其生长并能使其变得脆弱,若同时配合化疗将有助药物更容易杀掉肿瘤细胞, 协助提高化疗的治疗效果。除此之外,由于肿瘤旁的微环境大部分是缺氧的,而化疗或电疗均需氧气来使其发挥最大的功效,透过高温热疗可增强血管的携氧能力,能够更有效缩细肿瘤。
当肿瘤细胞遇到热力时会变得敏感,对热激蛋白(Heat Shock Protein)呈现反应。这些蛋白物质到达(肿瘤的)细胞膜就会呼唤免疫系统的“杀手细胞”来攻击肿瘤,达到治疗效果。
“In the presence of higher temperatures, the organism accelerates its biochemical processes and boosts the immune response. Very gently. In harmony with nature.
Tumor cells are sensitive when it comes to heat. They respond with heat shock proteins, i.e. protein substances that call on the immune system’s killer cells to attack the tumor as soon as they reach the cell membrane.
The immune system appears to have a memory that retains the appearance of the tumor. Current hypotheses presume that this immune cell memory helps to prevent new metastases. Perfect synergy.
“In the presence of higher temperatures, the organism accelerates its biochemical processes and boosts the immune response. Very gently. In harmony with nature.
Tumor cells are sensitive when it comes to heat. They respond with heat shock proteins, i.e. protein substances that call on the immune system’s killer cells to attack the tumor as soon as they reach the cell membrane.
The immune system appears to have a memory that retains the appearance of the tumor. Current hypotheses presume that this immune cell memory helps to prevent new metastases……
Hyperthermia as an amplifier for chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The induced heat significantly stimulates the blood circulation and oxygenation of the tumor.”